Central Coast Smiles - Guy A. Jones DDS

Implant Hybrid Dentures

All on 4 Hybrid Denture

For several generations, the traditional denture has been the only practical solution for missing all your teeth. That is no longer the case thanks to the wonders of modern implant dentistry. A complete implant-supported denture named All on 4 Hybrid Denture, provides immediate results that are comfortable, beautiful, and permanent.

All on 4 Placement

Because the All on 4 hybrid dentures precision placement, we only need four dental implants on an arch to stabilize a full denture. Bone grafting, which often adds time and expense to the implant process, is rarely necessary with this technique. The gentle, efficient process can restore functional chewing, end the discomfort of sloppy dentures, and preserve the health of your jawbone.

Traditional vs. All on 4

When compared to traditional dentures, all on 4 hybrid dentures have several benefits like:
1. Minimal recovery time
2. No need for Bone grafting
3. Easy maintenance
4. Patients can eat all kinds of food
5. Aesthetic appearance
6. Long term results assured
7. Overall cost is reduced when compared to single implants
8. Patients can typically return to work quickly after the procedure